Sunday, December 18, 2011


I realize it's been quite a while since I blogged. It was not my intention to take a break, it just kind of happened. Mr. Scottie B. has been gone for month, that's crazy! I'm going to California for a visit in one month and can not wait to see him!

Thanksgiving was lovely. We watched football and put together a puzzle. We ate lots of good food and gave thanks for the blessings in our lives. With not a ton of family in Wisconsin, our thanksgiving was a small event...which is aokay.

I'm still searching for a second part time job. I haven't had much luck yet. I feel like I'm being kind of picky about it, but it is a second job. And I really want something that I'll enjoy and somewhere I can make friends.

Here are some photos from thanksgiving, Christmas tree, and a babysitting weekend with my nephews.

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