Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here's To 2011 [image heavy]

It has been quite a year. So much has happened that took me by surprise. By the beginning of 2011 I had a good job in Madison and was spending lots of time with my family. I was adjusting to my new environment and was enjoying catching up on the time I had missed while living states away.

Then Facebook changed the course of my year... I know, I know. Flippin' Facebook :/ I discovered that Mr. Scottie B., who I knew way back when I was 12, was living just a few hours away. And in March of 2011, we had our first date. I spent most of 2011 working and planning weekends with Mr. SB. We explored Chicago and fell in love with the city...and we fell in love with each other.

And thanks to my parents, within this year I was able to travel to New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and New Hampshire. Each place was an awesome experience. NYC and Boston are such cool cities and I had so much fun. I can't wait for the next opportunity to explore Boston again.... okay or a new city.

I also discovered my love of baking this year. I baked cupcakes, cookies, and treats. I brought lots of goodies to Mr. SB and had a few failures too. But with the encouragement of Mr. Scottie B. and my fam, I will continue my baking adventures into the new year.

This year has been so great. I'm so excited for 2012 and pray it will bring just as much joy as this year has. I'm looking forward to starting my new year with a visit to see Mr. Scottie B. (only two weeks away :)

I hope everyone reflects on 2011 with a happy heart and have positive attitudes about the upcoming year.

Here's some pictures from throughout the year.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

Since it's almost 2012 I guess I should put up a post about Christmas. Mom, Dad, Ben, and I spent Christmas Eve eating enchiladas (kind of a fam tradition) and spending time together. Christmas morning Adam, Rachel, Ethan, and Jaxson came to my parents to open gifts and eat breakfast. The adults exchanged stockings and watched the boys open up their gifts. It was so much fun. Mom and I saw "We Bought A Zoo" Christmas afternoon. The movie was so cute, I'd say worth seeing. Christmas was laid back and I had a few extra days off.

I hope everyone else had a lovely Christmas full of joy. Here are some photos from our Christmas morning.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Ethan is 4!

Well technically his birthday is tomorrow. Last weekend he had a Chuck E. Cheese birthday. It was lots of fun. (side note: Chuck E. Cheese is a giant creepy mouse). Rachel made red velvet cupcakes, we ate pizza, and played lots of games. I think it was a successful birthday party. 

I would say that it seems strange that Ethan is already four, but that seems about right. I was so lucky to have been there when he was born (at the time I lived in Idaho and we were visiting Madison in hopes that he would be born around his due date). And since moving here I've gotten to watch him grow up and it's been wonderful. He's the coolest four year old I know (not that I know many).

Happy Birthday EthanE! I love you so much and am proud to be your aunt.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you probably know I cut my hair finally. I posted that I was going to do this. When I finally did, it was so difficult. I have never cried when I cut my hair...until now.

This may sound silly but...I think it was so hard to cut because I made so many amazing memories with my long hair. And Mr. SB loved my long hair. It took a little while to get use to but I'm liking it more. I actually do my hair everyday because it's so much easier. I will tell you though, I miss my long hair pretty much everyday. But I am looking forward to the different lengths I'll get to play with as it grows.

Here's the transformation


I realize it's been quite a while since I blogged. It was not my intention to take a break, it just kind of happened. Mr. Scottie B. has been gone for month, that's crazy! I'm going to California for a visit in one month and can not wait to see him!

Thanksgiving was lovely. We watched football and put together a puzzle. We ate lots of good food and gave thanks for the blessings in our lives. With not a ton of family in Wisconsin, our thanksgiving was a small event...which is aokay.

I'm still searching for a second part time job. I haven't had much luck yet. I feel like I'm being kind of picky about it, but it is a second job. And I really want something that I'll enjoy and somewhere I can make friends.

Here are some photos from thanksgiving, Christmas tree, and a babysitting weekend with my nephews.