Happy Tuesday!
I've fallen behind on my running in the last week or so. We went to Boston and I hadn't been to the gym in a few days. And I decided I'd get back to it OUTSIDE. I haven't ran outside since HS (for cheer). Is that strange? Well I need to get into the habit of running outside vs. the treadmill since I'll be running in September.
So I laced up and took my parents dog Molly with me. I'd never run with her before but she's getting fat (kidding...kind of) and I felt safer taking her with me. So we ran around two miles (a little less) as a trial run. She did so great. My parents did a great job with training her. She stayed on my left and pushed me to run faster. She's worn out now.

I've also been chatting with my brother Adam a lot more lately. I think Adam and I had a few ups and downs. Mostly when Mom and Dad moved to Madison and I was feeling abandoned. But now that I'm here we've gotten closer, closer than we probably would have been if I hadn't come here. Adam is a cool dude and we always laugh when we chat and hang out. So... yay for having awesome brother(s).

After reactivating my Facebook I still haven't gotten too involved or active. The first few days I looked at quite a few friends pages to catch up on their lives. I've deleted over 50 people and am thinking about deleting a few more. I haven't been on daily and it's honestly because I'm still struggling with being positive/caring/friendly. When I find myself saying negative things to myself while I'm looking, I've just gotten offline. I'm working at it still! How do you stay positive about your Facebook friends?
Today I was driving home from work and then I remembered... I'm dating Mr. Scottie B. Sometimes it hits me how crazy that is. For those who don't know the story, Mr. Scottie B. and I first met when we were 12 and 13. We both lived in California and did musical theater together. I had a crush on him and I was living an hour and a half away from him. When the musical we were doing ended, we continued to talk and write letters to each other. His letters included poems and sweet loving 8th grade words (I still have the letters). We drifted apart and I thought of him on occasion. I found him on Facebook a while ago (like over a year ago) and then saw his posts about Chicago. We got in touch and I found out he was living there. That was only a few hours away. So one Saturday we met up in the city and had what we are calling our 'first' date. Many weekends later, here we are. Mr. Scottie B. is handsome, kind, hilarious, and extremely sweet. I feel pretty lucky. I can't wait to see his face on Saturday (it's been two weeks)!

Thanks for letting me share a few thoughts from today! I feel so blessed today! I've got a new running partner, feeling close to my brother, and I've got an awesome boyfriend. AWESOME!
I've fallen behind on my running in the last week or so. We went to Boston and I hadn't been to the gym in a few days. And I decided I'd get back to it OUTSIDE. I haven't ran outside since HS (for cheer). Is that strange? Well I need to get into the habit of running outside vs. the treadmill since I'll be running in September.
So I laced up and took my parents dog Molly with me. I'd never run with her before but she's getting fat (kidding...kind of) and I felt safer taking her with me. So we ran around two miles (a little less) as a trial run. She did so great. My parents did a great job with training her. She stayed on my left and pushed me to run faster. She's worn out now.

I've also been chatting with my brother Adam a lot more lately. I think Adam and I had a few ups and downs. Mostly when Mom and Dad moved to Madison and I was feeling abandoned. But now that I'm here we've gotten closer, closer than we probably would have been if I hadn't come here. Adam is a cool dude and we always laugh when we chat and hang out. So... yay for having awesome brother(s).

After reactivating my Facebook I still haven't gotten too involved or active. The first few days I looked at quite a few friends pages to catch up on their lives. I've deleted over 50 people and am thinking about deleting a few more. I haven't been on daily and it's honestly because I'm still struggling with being positive/caring/friendly. When I find myself saying negative things to myself while I'm looking, I've just gotten offline. I'm working at it still! How do you stay positive about your Facebook friends?
Today I was driving home from work and then I remembered... I'm dating Mr. Scottie B. Sometimes it hits me how crazy that is. For those who don't know the story, Mr. Scottie B. and I first met when we were 12 and 13. We both lived in California and did musical theater together. I had a crush on him and I was living an hour and a half away from him. When the musical we were doing ended, we continued to talk and write letters to each other. His letters included poems and sweet loving 8th grade words (I still have the letters). We drifted apart and I thought of him on occasion. I found him on Facebook a while ago (like over a year ago) and then saw his posts about Chicago. We got in touch and I found out he was living there. That was only a few hours away. So one Saturday we met up in the city and had what we are calling our 'first' date. Many weekends later, here we are. Mr. Scottie B. is handsome, kind, hilarious, and extremely sweet. I feel pretty lucky. I can't wait to see his face on Saturday (it's been two weeks)!

Thanks for letting me share a few thoughts from today! I feel so blessed today! I've got a new running partner, feeling close to my brother, and I've got an awesome boyfriend. AWESOME!